Terry and his wife Jill arrived in the Algarve in 2003-4. His family Claire, Christopher and Colin were old enough to look after themselves so Terry devoted himself to building and making a home for himself and Jill near Salir.
Terry and Jill
He joined the AWW through Maurice, soon after he arrived and figures prominently in blogs from 2006 when they started, and that was the year in which he and David L. completed the survey of their own proprietary version of the Algarve Way and Terry decided to walk the whole route solo in February, but was joined by others for sections of the walk.
He had a strong history of walking in UK particularly in Wales where he participated annually in the LDWA 100, making some very good times, less than 40 hours.
He is remembered as a strong and unflappable character down to earth and one of the strongest walkers with whom we had the pleasure of joining. He led walks on demand, whenever another leader could not be found and always took care to see that they were within the capabilities of the participants. His walk reports as a leader were a joy in that he invariably employed a stream of consciousness narrative (cf James Joyce)
Terry with Ex-red-legged partridge?
Terry loved his dogs and always went for a similar kind of spaniel or pointer, usually brown and white. He brought Nath, a Springer Spaniel over from Wales, next came Rusty, another spaniel, then Java and finally Becky, who were both similar Portuguese versions of pointers. He rescued Becky who had clearly been abused and was very timid and emaciated. He was an incredibly patient carer both for his wife and his dogs
Becky 2019
Jill, Terry and Becky 2021
We are all greatly sorry for Terry's passing. The AWW and WAGS have lost a truly 'gentle' gentleman.