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Sunday, 16 January 2022

Obituary - Vitor Peres


Sr Vitor Manuel M. Peres

Nacseu: 25/05/1941

Faleceu: 27/12./2021

Dina and Vitor had been married for 55 years at the time of his passing.

She was asked if she would like an eulogy published in the Blog in his memory. She was very pleased with this idea and said it would be a consolation.

VĂ­tor joined the AWW when he retired from being a banker, around 2000/2001. For some years he was a regular.

Together with Dina

He was a quiet man and very often kept to himself. Because of this, not many realised that he had profound knowledge of Portuguese colonial Africa. One always learned something new when discussing that part of the world with him. 

  He was also very generous in offering help to friends and neighbours who required assistance. He would often go out of his way to do so.

About 10 years ago he stopped walking with us due to health reasons. Since then, we still occasionally met up for some outdoor activities and updated each other on the phone. His last meeting with us was in 2018 at the 20th Anniversary of AWWs.

He will be missed and remembered. 


Thursday, 6 January 2022

Obituary - Mark Harmon

Mark Harmon 14.04.1945 to 20.12.2021

 We said our last farewells to Mark Harman on Wednesday 29th. December 2021 at Cemiterio Novo de Lagos.  It was attended by 25 or so close family and a few friends including Myriam. There was no religious service but short valedictory addresses were given by Mark's son-in-law, Nuno Barros and by Rod who praised his great contribution to the early AWW and to the creation and first completion of the Via  Algarviana. There was a friendly wake gathering at the Por do Sol Restaurant at Meia Praia.

Ian Angus, Maurice Clyde, Ian Angus, Rod Frew, Mark Harmon, Tony Webster, Myriam LO

The new Cemetery in Lagos

Wake at Por do Sol, at Meia Praia